Tuesday, December 31, 2013


“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney

This is a quote that hits home this new year.  Now, why is this year different from others? Why do resolutions matter more this year? Is it because I'll be hitting the big 30 this year? is it because I'm a dad? Why is this year going to be any different from the past 29?  The answer is this:  I believe that each year we all have the great opportunity and blessing to re-invent ourselves, we get the chance to find out who we are once again.

Many of you that know me know that I am a child at heart.... I love kids, I love Disney movies and I believe there is much that can be learned from them.  So.... my 2014 resolutions will be attached to a Disney movie.... (It'll all make sense in just a sec).


1. I will exercise and get myself back in shape.

2.  I will appreciate more the outdoors.

3. I will be a better listener.

4. I will travel and go places I haven't been before.

5. I will pay less attention to material stuff and focus more on things that have eternal meaning.

5.  I will spend QUALITY TIME with my wife and son every day.

6.  I will not judge others.

7. I will show more love and spend more time with our pets.

8.  I will help to my full capacity those in need.

9. I will eliminate heavy sugar intake and eat healthier.

10. I will live this year with no regrets, and I will take every chance I get to make my life and that of my family better.

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